Some thoughts

Lack of confidence kills more dreams then lack of ability.

Talent matters, especially at the elite level, but most people talk themselves out of giving their best effort long before talent becomes the limiting factor.

You are capable of more then you know. Don’t be your own bottleneck.

If you want to feel the genius in work? Do something about it!

Shut off the phone

Kill distractions

Make it a TOP priority, and spend the time.

It will probably take many hours to get or to make where you want to go. The hours don’t just suddenly appear! You have to steal them from comfort!

Sometimes all your problem needs is a different viewpoint so you can work on different solutions. Or for you to take another role, which will give you other behaviors and habits which will give you other results. Or, you have to redefine your problem. What is the result you want to achieve? Are their other ways to get the same, or even better results?

Sometimes you don’t need a solution. You need a different kind of problem!

Remove resistance. Take the time and Think!