How to get things done

First: read the book of David Allen, Getting things done. Awesome tips and a great system to work with.

Now for some quick other tips.

Make sure you have everything you need. Look and check all materials and lessons BEFORE you start.

Set time apart to do the work. Remember, it takes longer then you think.

Know your goal, but focus on the process.

Preparation is more then half of the work. All material ready, you have time, no distractions, having an idea about how to get there. Plan your breaks. Repeat what you have learned before (spaced repetition), ask questions, look for and find answers, lots of practice.

If you get an idea about something else, just write it down on a separate piece of paper to get is out of your head and continue with your planned work.

A goal is a decision to take action in a particular direction. There is no requirement you must like the outcome. There is no requirement you must be able to produce the results. There is no requirement to be exited about the benefits. A goal is not the end, it is only a step in you life. Get it done. Next!